Sunday, April 1, 2012

Finding Faith

Although there are certainly many writings that touch on this one topic, and I decide to pick the one most commonly used. Let me first say that this article is not intended to insult or question one's faith. As I write this article my faith is also examined. Growing up, religion was something that was never pushed on me. I knew as a child that my mother was Catholic, but because it is a ritual almost always go to the Ashe Wednesday, never eat meat on that Friday and Palm Sunday is a must! Both of my sisters is a fellowship and attended Catholic school.

As for my brother and I, and let's just say that they were not affected as the whole religion thing. We just like what was said when they told us. We were taught in the Bible stories, beginning with Adam and Eve and how they are deceived by the serpent, and Noah building the ark for Moses and the separation of the sea. We were taught to believe that Christ is the Son of God and that He died and rose again the third day. But one thing that binds it all together has never been discussed or studied, and it is faith. One word that could affect so many decisions are made. But as you know everything happens for a reason and for a greater purpose.

Finding that purpose is what we all struggle to find and reconcile S. Trying to make sense daily trails and tribulations that we encounter on a daily basis, which refers to what we go with stories that are taught in the Bible. With all the things we were taught to believe, how can we allow that kind of stuff we question their faith? Could this mean that maybe deep down inside that I May have doubts about what he taught us, or would it simply means that we have a better understanding of the Bible and the intent behind the story. I never grew up considering himself a religious person. I was never a break in prayer. Actually I found the whole thing to be on top and a small cinema. The whole talk in tongues seemed a little far fetched. I never realized that my life would lead to the answer I was looking for.

My life is a drastic turn and I became a devout Christian. A whole new world opened up to me and I wanted to be with him! Now when I read the Bible stories are now somehow affect me differently. It was as if I had a brand new understanding, but now I am struggling founded even harder now than I was before. What did not make sense, why I still have my doubts? Feeling like I was in some way to bog down, so I could finally say that I know, love and trust him with even more of a sense of insecurity. But strangely enough I wasn, t alone in this struggle, there is another! Christians who have grown to love are dealt with that same feeling. I was amazed to see that even those who were raised in a religious home, not necessarily guarantee their walk in faith. What I realized is the faith is more than words in the Bible. Faith is the very essence of what motivates us to know without knowing. Yes, despite the circumstances, there is actually something more. Faith is the little voice within us that gives us comfort to know that this too shall pass. Faith is the clear understanding that your life is far greater than the current circumstances. These are the things that were never meant to be taught, but that will be shown!

Waiting to see the wonders of astonishment left us stagnant in seeking the true meaning behind the words. We must realize that we tend to wonder where to find it. Everyday when you wake up in the miracle is done, it is faith that has given you a desire to rise. Your life is now a story in which others will learn. The trials and tribulations of the meeting and wish to get more obstacles will be witness to the faith you have. In our quest for true meaning and understanding of faith is not a story, but just alive.

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