Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Results Process

This is the name of the game. We all want something. This is something that falls under the headline results, whether it is a certain amount of money stems from a successful business, a beautiful structure derives from the successful diet, or a closely developed relationships that result from well-bred family life.

Jim Rohn has been very wise in his reference to the parable of the sower and the seed. He emphasized that the results always come those who take the opportunity. The results not only to happen. Sometimes we hit the lucky breaks, lucky breaks and comes after the search. This is almost never something to just fall into our laps. Usually when this happens, we push them, not recognizing their value.

To see the results you seek, regardless of the effort to find, it is absolutely necessary to first decide what you want, and then specify the things you need to do, and then finally do the things that will bring this desire in the field think that the physical , whether they are tangible things in the form of increased prosperity or health, or more intangible but equally important are the bonds of relationships that value and meaning.

Planning and results side by two very important factors, attitude and actions. Attitude fuels our inner will and help us push our desires, even when the rest of the world may turn against us. And there are times when we could find themselves deprived of support of those closest to us. In these events, it certainly must be remembered that in the end, our own dreams is the only one that matters. Those of us who can not support us truly love and want what is best for us, but in the end, they have their own lives and their destinies. If we follow their example to the detriment of their own dreams, we will be the fate of the poor, and unfortunately they only have themselves to blame.

Action, action, the steps you take us from where we are at what we want. The activity should be scrutinized at every step, because it is easy to be busy doing nothing, or to be carried out what drains us of our desires, rather than closer to them. At every turn, we must ask if our present action is valuable in terms of our ultimate goals. If necessary, we adjust what we do. Maybe something not completely abandoned, but when this happens, we must have the courage to say that it does not work, and distract from the task which keeps us busy, but brings no value. It does take courage, too. But when your time checking the numbers and check the results at each step, you will better recognize what needs to be changed and what needs to be clear. The more activities that we undertake, the more things you do, take us to our goals, the faster we get there.

And these results are the ultimate goal, after all, is not it?

I subscribe to Maslovian concept of man as a scientist. I worked on it for years, slowly and enthusiastically learning what makes me tick, and I am sure that I was not even scratched the surface. I am pleased to present articles based on what I learned in hopes it will inspire you to your size!

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